The strikes system is our easy to understand representation of both leverage & risk. In simple terms, it is the number of 'lives' your investment has. The number of unprofitable days your investment can survive before it busts and stops paying you.
So if your investment has 3 strikes; you can survive 3 loss days.
If it has 20 strikes, it can survive 20 loss days before it stops paying.
Every day, you will receive a daily instalment (paid direct to your liberty reserve account) for the profit we have made using your investment. Or! You receive a strike (a loss, but you don't really lose anything unless you lose all your strikes, which means there is nothing left of your investment to continue paying you).
Your investment keeps getting paid until you get 170% back OR you run out of strikes.
Regarding leverage; a 3 strike investment pays 16X the daily profit of a 50 strike investment. (But it also takes 16X the risk effectively).
So the less strikes you have, the bigger your daily payments and the quicker you'll reach 170%. But! The more chance you have of going bust before reaching 170%. As we only need a few bad days, where the signals are inaccurate and we incur a loss, and your investment could run out of strikes and would fail to complete your full 170% return. Whereas an investment with more strikes, sees smaller daily profits (so takes longer to reach 170%), but can survive a rougher time and still complete 170% in its own time.
So its a balance. You want to make 170% as fast as possible. But if you take too much risk, you may end up not getting there at all. Whereas slow and steady is safer, but takes longer!
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